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Writer's pictureVenura Wijesekera

AHINSA | Anti-Mine Boot

Mr. Nuwan Wijesekera (Director) of MERCIA POLYMER RUBBER PRODUCTS Co. invented the Anti-Mine Shoe in 1990 to Sri Lanka Army as an urgent requirement at that time for the battle front, at that time this product was introduced as a sandal which has proven outstanding resisting power for high explosions of the AP MINES, and prevented declining of the moral of the soldiers and amputation of their legs.

The products has a special sole of shock absorbing and pressure deflecting shape with different shock absorbing and pressure deflecting chambers inside the sole.

In 2008 a new version of the AHINSA Anti Mine Boot was developed with comfort and convenient of wearing the shoe, with having much more developed sole for resisting power for high explosives of a 170g AP MINE. ( Tested at TAC HQ BDE - VNA with a Rangan 99 170g AP Mine on 21st of FEBRUARY 2009 )

This newer version of the AHINSA Anti Mine Boot has 3 different Anti-Vibration rubber composition layers to absorb the impact and multi layer pressure deflecting alloy armor to deflect the energy of the explosion further to prevent small portions of energy waves which penetrates through the multi layer separator, there is a honeycomb rubber layer sandwiched between the innersole and the main sole to create further comfort and safety to the wearer.

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